Prayer App

The Encouraging Prayer phone app - connecting students in prayer partnerships

The Demo is here, dive in!

- Live Demo -

Have you ever thought about how we learn? Whether it's learning to play trumpet, or football, or cooking, or volleyball, or how to pray?? When you break it down, it's really not that complex. We get some teaching/coaching, we practice, and we have some accountability. Clearly immersion (exposure) is the best way to learn a language (it’s how we all learned our first language). The Encouraging Prayer phone app will provide a place to begin hearing and developing your prayer language. Here’s how it will work.

A student will download the app and ask to have a prayer partner (those partners make a commitment to do their best to pray for each other daily. The student will indicate his/her age, gender, and relationship to Jesus - for example: “I think I know who Jesus is” or “Jesus is my Lord and Savior”. Based on these criteria, the app will begin a searching for a partner with similar identity (age, gender, relationship with Jesus).

We believe there is real value in living in community and working through challenges face to face. We also believe there can be real value in having some anonymity in these situations, in particular as we first learn, and perhaps stumble through the process. So, the app will intentionally find a partner that lives at a distance to provide that safe space. Once partnered, students will tell the app what time of day they intend to pray (IE: by noon each day), and of course, each day that they do pray they will push the “I prayed” button. This will send a notification to their partner that they have been prayed for today. If a student hasn’t pushed the “I prayed” button within an hour after his/her set time, the app will provide a prompt asking if he/she has taken time to pray yet today.

The app will also push weekly accountability reports to show partners how they're doing, IE: “Hey Tammy, nice job, I see you were able to pray 5 times this last week”, or “Hey Tammy I see you prayed once this week, and that’s one time more that your partner got prayed for than before you entered this partnership”.

The coaching/teaching will be in the form of podcasts and all content will be available to any that care to access it. Content will also be pushed to users dependent on the intake information they give and will include regular worship podcasts - music PLUS teaching on worship so that those not yet exposed to worship may come to understand that worship isn't just singing. PEW35 sees much more to come in the app, but this is the essence of what will be the first release.